A4S Security Announces Development of Its Video Advertising Delivery System
LOVELAND, Colo., Nov. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- A4S Security, Inc.(Nasdaq: SWAT; ArcaEx), a leading provider of digital video surveillancesolutions, is pleased to announce the development of its ShiftWatch(R) VideoAdvertising Delivery System (VADS), a newly added feature to the ShiftWatch(R)Transportation Digital Video Surveillance System (TVS). VADS is a delivery system that gives advertisers and transit agencies theability to deliver advertising and entertainment content to transit commutersusing broadcast quality, full-motion video and audio. "The addition of the video playback solution to the ShiftWatch(R) TVSproduct provides transit agencies with a revenue generating solution to offsetthe cost of their video security systems," said Matthew Siemens, ExecutiveVice President of Sales and Marketing for A4S. The ShiftWatch(R) Transportation Video System (TVS) is the state-ofdigital video recorder for transportation surveillance needs. ShiftWatch'spatent pending recording technology captures video, audio, GPS, and vehicleinformation in two places at once-both a traditional hard disk and to adigital tape cartridge system. (more)
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